

Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

Fish and Wildlife News Updates


Getting Started with RSS

What is RSS?

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a way to distribute and receive headlines and other web content to your desktop. Instead of having to go back to a website to see what's new, you can have new information delivered to you.

The RSS feeds allow you to receive up-to-the-minute announcements from BC Parks on your computer desktop.

Why use RSS?

There are a number of benefits to using RSS, including:

  • You select what news you want. RSS allows you to select the type of news and information you receive from websites.
  • You determine when you get your news. Once you download your news reader, you can customize it to go and fetch the news every five minutes, or every hour – depending on how you want it.
  • Cut down on SPAM. Because RSS requires you to download a news reader, you aren't subscribing to e-mail lists which can increase your risk of getting unwanted SPAM e-mail.

Install a RSS Feed Reader

Step 1: Click here for instructions on how to download an RSS reader.

Step 2: Subscribe to One or More News Feeds:

  • After your news reader is installed, click on a link to an RSS feed on the Fish and Wildlife RSS Feed page to subscribe to the feed(s) you want.
  • Check that you have set your reader to go and fetch the news at the intervals you want, whether that’s every five minutes, or every hour.